What is Jihad? The concept of Jihad is one of the most misunderstood, misused, and abused concepts today. In fact, the very term ‘Jihad’ and the term ‘Jihadi’ that we often read in the papers or hear on television and also sometimes by politicians, to refer to people committing terrorist crimes in the name of […]
Last words to my Mother
The two words I never said to my Mother…. Emotional True Story.
I Want to Drop Out of School
In our latest episode on Life & Faith we discuss education in a secular context.
Betrayed By My Own Country – #OliverBridgeman Interviewed
Exclusive Interview with 19 year old Humanitarian aid worker Oliver Bridgeman, who had his Australian Passport Revoked.
Muslims Cheating Welfare #centrelink
Are Women Equal in Islam? #InternationalWomensDay
Are Women Equal in Islam #InternationalWomensDay According to mainstream media WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL IN ISLAM! However, scholars, Quranic verses and Prophetic sayings prove otherwise. The Quran has a whole chapter based upon an important female in history. Surah Maryam, chapter 19. Islam transformed the way females were looked at spiritually, legally, religiously, economically […]
Double Standards for Australian Muslims #OliverBridgeman
The Australian Federal Police has issued an arrest warrant for Queensland teenager Oliver Bridgeman, who has been doing aid work in Syria since May 2015. Last month, the Department of Foreign Affairs cancelled Mr Bridgeman’s passport, just as he was preparing to come back to Australia. The 19-year-old, from Toowoomba, insists he […]
Why Am I Depressed?
Why Am I Depressed? There are two forms of depression, clinical depression, diagnosed by doctors, which you should seek assistance from someone in this field who is able to help and guide you to a healthier mind such as psychologist. See our video mental illness video. Another form of depression is never being satisfied with […]
America Needs to Know Islam
America Needs to Know Islam When the words Islam and America are said in the same sentence it is usually followed by the words terrorist attack, ISIS or Sharia Law. America and other countries need to start reporting on is the true Islam that 1.6 billion Muslims follow on a daily basis. el- Hajj Malik […]
Dealing with Injustice and Oppression
Long Version Professor Mohamad Abdalla elaborates on the topic of Dealing with Injustice and Oppression Life & Faith elaborates on how one should deal with Life’s Struggles Teaser RESPONDING TO INJUSTICEBeing oppressed is never an excuse to become oppressive.Powerful reminder. Posted by OnePath Network on Thursday, February 18, 2016
Save Our School
The Federal Government has decided to cease funding of up to $19 Million to Australia’s biggest Islamic School “Malek Fahd” in Greenacre Sydney. The decision comes after an audit report from the Department of Education that suggested the school “Does not have sufficient or effective government arrangements in place” to be running. The audit paid […]
I Will Not Be Your Valentine
I Will Not Be Your Valentine For young men and women, movies, songs and television shows create an image of love that is unrealistic at times and we fall into that trap. You go on dates, lie to your parents, lie to yourself, you commit so many sins just to please the one you “love”, […]