There are two forms of depression, clinical depression, diagnosed by doctors, which you should seek assistance from someone in this field who is able to help and guide you to a healthier mind such as psychologist. See our video mental illness video.
Another form of depression is never being satisfied with what Allah has given you. This form of depression is usually caused from being distant from Allah. You could be praying on time or reading Quran daily, however, could still be unhappy. This could be because you do not implement Quran, or you do not pray with the proper intentions.
Why Am I Depressed?
Allah is your creator and when you leave Allah or do worship Allah without the right intentions, you feel a sense of sadness and sorrow, you feel empty, our souls were created with the purpose to worship and return to Allah. When you are not in the right environment, with the right people, that remind you of Allah, your souls becomes lonely and WANTS Allah, we need to be around good people, people that remind us of Allah, that talk about Allah, these are people that we should be with.
It was narrated that ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Actions are only done with intentions, and every man shall have what he intended.'”
Sunan Al-Nisa`i
When we renew our intentions and sincerity and start to associate with people that are in the remembrance of Allah we stop becoming depressed and satisfies with our lives. Again there are two types of depression and we are not talking about clinical depression.
May Allah guide us and cure us Insha`Allah.