Seven Quran Verses that Protect Women in Marriage “Muslim women are oppressed by their husbands”. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. In fact, so many have taken it upon themselves to campaign for the reforming of Islam to ensure such oppression no longer continues. And in all honesty, such statements couldn’t be further from the […]
How social media is destroying our identity
Social media is making us fragile, fake and toxic. The impact it is having on our identities is frightening and we need to talk about it. On any given day, we are exposed to hundreds and thousands of profiles. We observe their lifestyles, activities, fashion choices and even their opinions, beliefs and moral stances. Likewise, […]
How Hollywood has failed Muslim Women
How Hollywood has failed Muslim Women So what is all the obsession with films depicting oppressed Muslim women finding salvation in relationships with white western boys? Recent controversy with numerous tv shows and movies portraying the ‘real’ representation of Muslim women. Netflix teen drama Elite tells the story of working class siblings Omar and Nadia […]
Mauritania’s Incredible Islamic Scholarship History
When you think of Islamic Scholarship, which country do you think of? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Yemen? Syria? How about Mauritania? Mauritania has got to be the most interesting country. It sits on the borders of the Atlantic ocean and northwestern Africa. Ninety percent of it is made up of the Sahara Desert and its population […]
The Muslim who survived Guantanamo
The story of Moazzem Begg on the OnePath Podcast. Kidnapped, hooded and stripped, serving years in prison without charge or trial. The trials of Moazzam Begg are daunting and horrific to say the least, serving time in the infamous Bagram Prison and Guantanamo Bay. Although Begg has been declared an innocent man, the memories and […]
The six pillars of Imaan (Faith)
The Six Pillars of Imaan (Faith) Imaan (faith) is a crucial part of a Muslim’s life, and there are six articles of faith. These are derived from the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Its importance is found in the following Quranic verse: ❝O you who believe! Keep faith in Allah and […]
Give Salam to One Another
Spread Greetings of Peace Asalamu `Alaykum, such a simple greeting that Muslims give to one another but one of the most rewarding deeds that a Muslim can do. The meaning of this simple yet beautiful greeting is, peace be upon you. This is the greeting 1.6 billion Muslims use around the world. Yet at times […]
Will Allah Forgive Me?
Know Allah’s Forgiveness We are humans and are prone to sin. We are not perfect and make mistakes and sin daily, but by sincerely asking for Allah’s forgiveness makes us from those who Allah loves. The question of, ❝Has Allah forgiven me for my sins?❞ is actually a reflection on the state of your Imaan […]
Muslims trapped in the Metaverse
What has the Metaverse got to do with Muslims, 7th Century Madinah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? Let’s talk…. Back in the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on the day of Friday whilst he was delivering the Khutbah, Friday Sermon, a caravan equipped with music, festivities, entertainment and merchandise soon entered the city of […]
How to perform Umrah with COVID and travel restrictions
COVID-19 has changed our lives forever and one of the main impacts it has also had on us Muslims is our ability to perform Hajj and Umrah as we please. International borders are now opening up more and governments such as Australia and Saudi Arabia have eased restrictions. This is great news as it now […]
Preparing for Ramadan
Ramadan was a month that encompassed the lives of the Sahabah. They would spend 6 months preparing for Ramadan and then spend another 6 months holding themselves accountable and continuing in reaping the effects of Ramadan. They understood the aura of Ramadan – how important it is and the weight it will have on our […]
The challenges of translating the Quran into English
Allah states in the Quran “Certainly, We have made it a Quran in Arabic so perhaps you will understand.” (43:3) Yet considering a large portion of the world doesn’t speak Arabic, how can we share the message of Allah to the masses in a way they can not only understand but feel its impact. On […]