Posted inQuran

Seven Verses that Protect Women

Seven Quran Verses that Protect Women in Marriage “Muslim women are oppressed by their husbands”. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. In fact, so many have taken it upon themselves to campaign for the reforming of Islam to ensure such oppression no longer continues. And in all honesty, such statements couldn’t be further from the […]

Posted inEducation

Give Salam to One Another

Spread Greetings of Peace Asalamu `Alaykum, such a simple greeting that Muslims give to one another but one of the most rewarding deeds that a Muslim can do. The meaning of this simple yet beautiful greeting is, peace be upon you. This is the greeting 1.6 billion Muslims use around the world. Yet at times […]

Posted inSpirituality

Will Allah Forgive Me?

Know Allah’s Forgiveness We are humans and are prone to sin. We are not perfect and make mistakes and sin daily, but by sincerely asking for Allah’s forgiveness makes us from those who Allah loves. The question of, ❝Has Allah forgiven me for my sins?❞ is actually a reflection on the state of your Imaan […]

Posted inSpirituality

Preparing for Ramadan

Ramadan was a month that encompassed the lives of the Sahabah. They would spend 6 months preparing for Ramadan and then spend another 6 months holding themselves accountable and continuing in reaping the effects of Ramadan. They understood the aura of Ramadan – how important it is and the weight it will have on our […]