No Stranger to The Front Page Muslims are no strangers to front page news. Rarely however, are Muslims portrayed in a pleasant light. Are the media presenting an accurate reality of what Muslims are like? Are Muslims extremists? Let’s see what the facts have to say. Right-wing extremists are the most dangerous group in America […]
Six Tips to Quit A Guilty Porn Addiction.
Six ways to finally quit porn for good One of the major issues impacting today’s youth and many adults is addiction to pornography. What was once a hidden sin that required much effort to fall into has now become an epidemic following the onset of Mobile devices that are capable of streaming such content […]
Six tips to raise Muslim boys
Six tips to raise a good Muslim boy Instill Love of Allah and the Prophet ﷺ in their hearts Share beautiful stories from the Quran with them. Dedicate a time daily for teaching them about the life of the Prophet ﷺ Take the time to explain the meaning of some verses to them ❞❝[This is] […]
4 Ways On How To Reduce Stress
Stress is a common and necessary part of life, however, several studies are pointing towards a global increase in stress rates. Allah has indeed promised us that life will be filled tests and tribulations. Here are some ways on how we can reduce stress in our lives to overcome this test. “We shall certainly test […]
How to do a Digital Detox
By Dahlia Saddiq In need of a Digital Detox? Is social media linked to life dissatisfaction? Gone are the days when our mum would bring out the family album once a year to the dinner table. Here’s why you might need a digital detox. From diaper photos to holiday snaps; relatives were able to peep […]
How Islam saved Women
How Islam saved the lives of Women Pre-Islamic Arabia was brutal in its treatment of women. Women were not viewed as people with essential, independent value. From the time of their birth, they were already in danger. One of the most horrific practices of Pre-Islamic Arabia was the custom of burying infant girls alive. But […]
Six Miracles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
The Final Prophet The Prophets and Messengers that came before us, were sent to guide humanity to the true religion of Allah. They all had the same job which is to teach people how to worship Allah and lead a righteous life. They taught this through exemplifying true sincerity and honesty in every action they […]
What Muslim Women Need
How to help Muslim Sisters Muslim women have always been in the media spotlight here, we are always portrayed as victims that are forced to cover up. There seems to be this redundant political and societal discourse about what Muslim women are and what Muslim women “should” want! It is only expected that we might […]
Why you need to learn Arabic
Why you need to learn Arabic Arabic is currently the 5th most commonly spoken native language in the world! It is the official language in more than 20 countries, with more than 375 million native speakers, ranging throughout the Middle East and the rest of the world. It is also an official language of the […]
The Virtue of Patience
What is Patience? According to the Oxford dictionary the English definition of patience refers to accepting and tolerating problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. However, the term patience translated to Arabic is ‘Sabr’ meaning to control or constrain oneself. During the month of Ramadan, we control our desires whether it be food, drinking, […]
Ibn Al Haytham:Vision and Cameras
Vision, Light and Optics: Discovered by Muslims. Before Al Haytham, a ninth-century Muslim polymath, known as Al-Kindi was the first person to question the Greek theories of vision. The Greeks believed that rays came out of our eyes (a little like laser technology) and this allowed us to see. However, Al Kindi stated that our […]
How to Celebrate Eid Al-Adha
Eid Al-Adha is upon us! This is how to celebrate Eid Al-Adha. Muslims all around the world will be celebrating Eid Al-Adha soon. It is a very joyous and significant occasion to commemorate the exemplary sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS and his firm submission to God’s commands. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ highly encouraged all […]