Posted inEducation

Common mistakes in Jumuah

Jumuah Is The Spiritual Anchor Week to Week Jumuah is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold every Friday instead of the Zuhr prayer. These are some of the most common mistakes in Jumuah: Speaking during the khutbah The Prophet ﷺ warned us that one should not speak during the Khutbah even if it is to […]

Posted inHistory

How well do you know Khadija?

How well do you know Khadijah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad? She is the daughter of Khuwayled, who was considered royalty in Mecca. She was married and widowed twice and was nicknamed “Attahira” (The Pure One) Khadijah managed her father’s trading business and after he passed, she was able to turn his caravan into one […]

Posted inSpirituality

How to Improve Your Prayers

8 Ways to Improve your Prayer Muslims are required to establish ritual prayers 5 times a day at specified times. Praying is a way to communicate, thank and remember Allah. However, many struggles with maintaining their prayers, completing them on time, or staying focused throughout. Here are some tips on how to improve your prayers. […]