Posted inNews

Why are people converting to Islam?

6 Reasons why westerners are converting to Islam. Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world, which may come as surprise to many, considering the amount of negative coverage it constantly receives in the media. There are currently 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and that is nearly one-fourth of the world population, […]

Posted inTalk Islam

Haram Police

Why we need the Haram Police Let’s face it – we’re all sick of the Haram Police. You know those guys that come along when you’re out and about just enjoying your time, and all of the sudden decide to tell you that whatever you’re doing is Haram. Now, a lot has been said and […]

Posted inSociety

Worrier vs. Warrior

A Muslim’s guide to battling anxiety It’s normal to worry We all worry. It’s a natural part of life, whereby we find ourselves feeling restless, tired, irritable and of course repeatedly checking Dr. Google. Most people who seek therapy generally tend to have some form of anxiety issues. The World Health Organisation predicted that by […]