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The gift of sight is one of the greatest blessings we have been gifted, yet there are so many around the world who cannot see. Cataracts cause nearly half of the world’s preventable blindness and fortunately, there is a treatment. For the last 5 years, Al-Ihsan foundation has been treating hundreds of patients in Niger, successfully restoring their vision. Al Ihsan Foundation has a commitment to make a real difference in this world, and they invite you to be a part of it. 

They have served the Ummah in over 23 countries and helped over 12 million people. Be a part of their journey by clicking on the link below, and help continue their mission of providing aid to the most vulnerable. Help restore sight and transform lives.

Blind Boy From Thailand becomes a HAFIDH & SCHOLAR

Meet Shaykh Muhammad Islah, an extraordinary individual who, despite his blindness, has achieved incredible feats. Becoming a Hafidh of the Quran, Master of the 10 Qiraat and Compiler of Sahih Al-Bukhari in Braille.

Growing up in Thailand with limited resources for Islamic studies, Muhammad traveled to South Africa’s Madrassah Al-Nur, the first Islamic University for the visually impaired. Under Shaykh Hassan’s guidance, he mastered Braille and the Quran. Despite many challenges, including the lack of Braille texts, Muhammad’s dedication led him to become a respected scholar.

His journey is a powerful testament to faith and perseverance. Enjoy this powerful video capturing Shaykh Muhammad Islah’s inspiring story.