Did you know that health and safety are of paramount importance in Islam? So how does that affect workplace habits? Are we doing enough to follow the sunnah on site? To find out, let’s embark on a journey into the realm of work health and safety (WHS) through the prism of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Workplace health and safety (WHS) isn’t just about regulations and rules; it’s a sacred duty. The Quran itself places an immense emphasis on the sanctity of life. Islam goes above and beyond, prioritizing not only your own well-being but the safety of your comrades as well. As Prophet Muhammad ﷺ so wisely said, “Your body has a right over you” (Bukhari, 5199). It’s a call to arms for optimal self-care, from physical fitness to mental health, safety, and hygiene. In the workplace, this translates to safeguarding the well-being of your colleagues and employees, nurturing their mental health to prevent burnout, and championing a harmonious work-life balance. In short, check in with your coworkers—it’s the Islamic way!

But it doesn’t stop there. The Quran, in Chapter Al-Baqarah (The Cow) (2:195), urges us to “spend in the way of Allah” and not to “throw [ourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction.” This is a profound reminder that we should strive for excellence (Ihsan) in everything we do, including our work. Employers, take heed. This means studying past accident trends, fortifying preventive measures, and offering effective counseling services to your employees, all in the pursuit of excellence. Your employees’ well-being is not just your moral obligation; it’s in your best interest as well.

An ethical and safe workplace is built on the bedrock of values like honesty, fairness, and integrity. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ drove this point home when he said, “Verily, the best of you are those who have the best moral conduct.” This isn’t just a catchy phrase; it’s a call for everyone in the office hierarchy to treat each other as they wish to be treated. It’s about fostering unity and harmony among the various roles in a workplace. After all, “community” has “unity” at its heart.

Islamic work health and safety isn’t just a checklist; it’s a holistic approach to well-being. It unites all members of an organization to create a safe, productive environment. It promotes ethical behavior and champions a healthy work-life balance. By embracing Ihsan and cherishing the gift of our minds and bodies, we can set an example for employee well-being that should resonate worldwide.

So, let’s not just spread the word; let’s spread Ihsan like wildfire for a workplace where well-being thrives, and safety is paramount!