Fasting Ramadan is a pillar of Islam, observed by millions worldwide. However, merely abstaining from food and drink does not encompass the true purpose of this sacred month. The Qur’an and Sunnah shed light on the deeper essence of fasting, urging us to reflect introspectively.

عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ “‏ مَنْ لَمْ يَدَعْ قَوْلَ الزُّورِ وَالْعَمَلَ بِهِ وَالْجَهْلَ فَلَيْسَ لِلَّهِ حَاجَةٌ أَنْ يَدَعَ طَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ ‏”

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink.”


The Purification of Heart and Tongue

Fasting is an exercise in controlling the tongue from backbiting, lies, and harsh words. Resisting hunger and thirst fosters patience, a virtue that involves all aspects of life. In addition, fasting humbles us reminding us of the less fortunate and our complete dependence on Allah.

Spiritual Rejuvenation and Consciousness

Ramadan presents an unparalleled opportunity for spiritual rejuvenation through Qur’an recitation, supplications, and soul-searching. Moreover, by freeing ourselves from worldly distractions, we cultivate a heightened consciousness of Allah’s presence. True fasting extends beyond individual acts to encompass compassion for others.

لنَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ “‏ مَنْ لَمْ يَدَعْ قَوْلَ الزُّورِ وَالْعَمَلَ بِهِ وَالْجَهْلَ فَلَيْسَ لِلَّهِ حَاجَةٌ أَنْ يَدَعَ طَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ ‏”‏‏.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink.”

 Fasting during Ramadan is a profound journey of self-purification and spiritual awakening. As we abstain from physical desires, let us also strive to control our tongues, cultivate patience, and nurture a heightened consciousness of Allah. By embracing the true meaning of fasting, we can emerge from this blessed month as better human beings, closer to our Creator.