Six reasons to stop listening to music today.

One of the biggest forms of amusement today is no doubt entertainment and music; so for someone to come across and tell you to stop listening to music, it would surely be a major ask. However, with the following reasons at hand, you might be just convinced to finally give it up for good. Here’s a short list we’ve compiled that should perhaps encourage you to finally stop listening to music today.

The majority of popular music is sexually illicit.

Research shows that music, specifically rap and hip-hop, have strong correlations with risky sexual behaviors (Chen, Miller, Grube, & Waiters, 2006). More than 1/3 of popular songs contain explicit sexual content and 2/3 of these references are degrading (Martino et al, 2006; Primack, Gold, Schwarz, & Dalton, 2008). An estimated 40% to 75% of music videos contain sexual imagery (Turner, 2011; Zhang, Miller, & Harrison, 2008).

The majority of popular music includes drug references.

A study suggested that almost 77% of rap songs have drug references. An average teen is exposed to 84 drug references a day, 591 per week and 30,732 per year. (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers). These references will no doubt impact on a persons lifestyle decisions. stop listening to music. Stop listening to music.

It’s addictive.

Studies suggest that adolescents and young adults listen to music between two and four hours each day. When we take this time into consideration with the extent of harmful messages being streamed, we should really be concerned. (Agbo-Quaye & Robertson, 2010; Primack, Nuzzo, Rice, & Sargent, 2012).

It’s distracting.

A mind that is constantly distracted by such music will find it incredibly difficult to focus on worship and the Quran. This is even more frequent when songs with catchy lyrics repeatedly obscure the mind from concentration.

It’s sinful.

All Islamic scholars are of unanimous agreement that any music that invites towards sin is in itself sinful. When almost all songs that top music charts include references to sex, drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity, do we need any further reminders to avoid such music.

There are better things to listen to.

Fill your playlists with beneficial Islamic reminders and Quran recitations. If that is not enough, imagine listening to the music of Paradise produced by the Angels. This should be enough an encouragement to help you make the change today.