“An intelligent or wise person is not he who knows the difference between the good and evil, Rather the intelligent one is he who knows the best of two goods and the worst of two evils”This is a great lesson, and these words have great wisdom We have to interpret and explain it further What is Omar saying? Ibn Al-Khattab is saying, the intelligent one who differentiates that which is good from that which is evil Because that is easy, a child can sometimes tell you that, or a person with little knowledge knows that But the intelligent person according to Omar Knows priorities He would calculate things Sometimes pushing away the evil can be better than bringing what’s a good closer This is a cornerstone in understanding the purpose and priorities of matters To be able to compare the best of two goods and the worst of two evils Some evils are less than others So I sometimes might have to choose the lesser evil Subhan’Allah You should never intend to pick the evil, but sometimes it is inevitable And one must make a choice And this extends to choosing what is good as well You have to look and wisely choose that which is better of the two goods Which option is going to bring more benefit to you and others? So one must prioritise and choose carefully And be smart about their choices A believer has to be smart about such matters Therefore, the intelligent or wise person is not he who knows the difference between the good and evil, Rather the real intelligent one, for Omar, the scholars and righteous people, is he who knows how to calculate and choose the best of two goods and the worst of two evils. May Allah place us amidst the circle of good and amongst the people of good And May He open the doors of good for us And make us from those who promote good and prevent evil. Ameen. Wassalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah