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The Imams Panel – Heading the Community in the Right Direction

On this episode of “The Imams Panel”, we are joined by some of Australia’s leading Imams to discuss issues of pertinent importance to young Muslims living in Western countries, particularly in Australia and abroad. We are joined by Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman from the United Muslims of Australia, Sheikh Abu Zoud from Sunnah Foundation, Sheikh Dr. Kamal Taleb from Roselands Masjid and Mufti Zeeyad Ravat from the Pillars of Guidance Community Centre in Melbourne. The panel covers a range of issues that are currently affecting young Muslims in Australia including ways to confront and deal with Islamophobia as Muslim youth, establishing political representation for Muslims, finding ways to uplift the services provided by Imams for Muslim women, confronting the taboo topic of sexual indecency in the Muslim Community and lastly how to channel the Celebrity Sheikh Culture currently being fostered online. We hope you find benefit in this second addition to what we endeavour to be a long-running new show on the OnePath Network, titled “The Imams Panel”. For suggestions or questions for the Imams on our future panels, please leave a message in the comment section. Video Timeline How should youth deal with Islamophobia 00:00:56:00 Should Muslims be more politically involved 00:07:02:00 How should Muslims view the LGBT Movement 00:11:47:00 What services are Imams providing to cater for Muslim women 00:20:11:10 How should Imams confront sexual misconduct in the community 00:30:03:10 How should Muslims view the current Celebrity Sheikh Culture 00:36:39:15 Final closing remarks by Imams 00:44:47:10