Loading videoENGLISH TRANSCRIPTION I thank Allah Almighty, and peace and blessings are upon his Messenger Muhammad ﷺ. What is a person supposed to do when faced by all these obstacles and tribulations whether in this modern society or other societies around the world? When these societies might go against our standards and beliefs and the rulings that Allah has decreed upon us? A sheik once asked his pupil, “O’ son! Imagine a sheepdog started barking at you, what do you do?” “I’ll scold him”, the student responded. The Sheikh then said, “And if he started barking again?” “I’ll scold him again”, the student replied. “If he keeps barking”, the sheik exclaimed! “He said I’ll scold him”, the student said. The Sheik then told him, this is a matter that’s going to take longer and will never be fruitful. So the student asked, “What am I supposed to do then?” “You stand next to the Shepherd”, the Sheik explained. Be with the Shepherd, and Allah has the best example. Allah swt is the one that tends to his servants. And He is the Rubb (Lord) who teaches us and is the most kind to us   And he is the Ilaah (The Divine One) who we are connected to The One God whom we love The One who sees you whatever you’re doing and knows when you are worshipping him in Sujud. (Prostration) How do I protect myself during these tribulations, By increasing my threshold or immunity to these situations, Just like we increase a child’s immunity by administering vaccines to them through the years. The vaccine to the heart is when you follow the rulings in the Quran, When you follow the Prophet’s ﷺ sunnah in his actions and words And when you follow the footsteps of the companions as role models If you fortify yourself and your Imaan (faith) with these, and you have good company Then the outside societal pressures decrease and you won’t care as much about the outside pressures,
Cause “Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good.” (Quran 16:128)
And Allah knows best.