OnePath Network presents Episode 1 of our three part documentary “My Journey Home”, whereby we cover the story of the Syrian people over the last 13 years and the return of our very own Malaz Majanni to his homeland. We documented the journey to this point, the crisis amidst the Syrian revolution and what’s in store for the future of the Syrian people.
We met with the heroes of the revolution and the Syrian people that endured the worst of Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. Stay until the end—because this is more than a story about Syria; it’s a story about resilience, faith, and the unbreakable human spirit.
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This is episode 1 of our three part documentary “Syria – My journey back home”. The OnePath Network team have collected hours and hours of footage, and compiled it into 3 episodes to ensure that this story, the story of the Syrian people, is never forgotten. Stay tuned for the release of upcoming episodes.